Common Network Problems and Troubleshooting Tips

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Because of the increased complexity and scale of their IT infrastructures, business networks are more susceptible to problems. Network problems impair the communication and connectivity of the various devices and systems on the network. These issues impact employee productivity, frustrate clients and, when left unattended for too long, lead to losses in productivity, revenue, reputation and efficiency.
Understanding the biggest threats against your network can help you achieve optimal performance and fast problem resolution, minimizing the impact of network downtime.
7 Causes of Network Downtime
What causes network outages? The most common network problems are often the result of faulty hardware, unexpected usage patterns, software bugs, physical obstructions and security breaches. These causes of network disruptions vary in complexity and require different techniques to overcome.
1. Slow Internet Speeds
Slow internet speeds lead to numerous network errors, including sluggish uploads and downloads and difficulties accessing cloud-based applications, loading web pages and streaming videos. The causes of internet outages and slow speeds include network congestion, outdated hardware, overlapping networks, insufficient bandwidth or issues with the internet service provider.
Slow internet can frustrate employees and decrease their productivity and motivation by preventing the timely completion of essential tasks. It can also impair client communication and negatively affect their experience. Growing businesses should upgrade their network infrastructure often to accommodate increasing demands.
2. Intermittent Connectivity
Temporary network unresponsiveness and frequent drops in connection are considered intermittent connectivity issues. These problems are frustrating, as they result in inconsistent user experience, disrupt normal business operations and impair effective team collaboration. Intermittent connectivity may be a result of one of the following network issues:
- Overloaded networks
- Faulty network devices, like routers, modems or switches
- Network interference
- Overheating network devices
- IP address conflicts and Domain Name System (DNS) issues
- Poor Wi-Fi coverage and dead zones
3. Network Security Vulnerabilities
Cyber attackers take advantage of the vulnerabilities in your network to disrupt your services and access sensitive business data. Some network security weaknesses that can expose your network to cyber attacks include:
- Unpatched or outdated software
- Inadequate passwords
- Lack of encryption
- Weak network policies
- Unsecured endpoints
The best way to handle these network security vulnerabilities is to conduct regular security audits and closely monitor the network for unusual traffic. Proactive network protection measures also help minimize network issues caused by security risks. Some measures include enforcing strong, unique passwords, implementing multi-factor authentication and educating network users on the best cybersecurity practices.
4. Network Congestion
When traffic on a network surpasses the expected allocated bandwidth, it results in network congestion, internet disruptions and bottlenecking. Network congestion can occur at different points of a business’s network, including switches, routers or network links. It shows up in the form of increased latency, packet losses, slow data transfer rates and resource access delays.
The most common causes of network congestion include:
- Excessive data traffic
- Limited bandwidth
- Distributed Denial of Service attacks that overwhelm a network
- Network misconfigurations lead to inefficient data flow
- Software and firmware bugs
5. Packet Losses
When one or more data packets fail to reach their intended destination, it often leads to degraded network performance. The main culprits for data packet losses include network congestion, internet downtime, poor-quality links and faulty connections. These network problems can affect reliable network performance, cause errors in data transmission and create general delays.
The first step to packet loss is to use specialized tools and techniques to determine the loss rate. Here are a few troubleshooting tips for packet loss:
- Check for faulty physical connections.
- Update network drivers regularly.
- Refresh network equipment configurations.
- Adjust maximum transmission unit settings.
6. DNS Resolution Issues
The DNS is a distributed and hierarchical name system that converts human-readable domain names into machine-language IP addresses. Businesses use the DNS to simplify the process of accessing websites and applications. However, with more complex and interconnected networks come DNS resolution problems that lead to unexpected and extended network outages.
Misconfigured DNS servers often cause DNS resolution issues due to missing or mistyped IP addresses. Other times, inefficient network security settings block DNS traffic, preventing users from accessing certain online websites and resources. Troubleshooting DNS resolution issues involves checking the DNS server settings and using reliable DNS resolution tools, like nslookup or dig, to diagnose the problem.
7. Hardware Failures
Network hardware failure or malfunctioning results in adverse connectivity issues. Most of these issues result from accidental disconnections that occur when a cable is knocked loose, broken or damaged. Routers and switches often fail, causing performance issues or complete outages.
External factors like power surges, water, voltage spikes and electrical issues can also damage sensitive network components, leading to breakdowns and communication challenges. To reduce the instances of these failures, you must conduct regular maintenance and replace outdated equipment. Implementing surge protection with all electrical connections also minimizes the risk of damage.
Proper training for IT staff on network device handling procedures is another way to minimize accidental damage. Additionally, regular maintenance and applying patches keep hardware equipment up to date and minimize the risk of network failures.
Tips for Addressing Network Issues
Networks encounter different issues that result in downtime and business disruptions. While most of these issues have a unique set of steps for solving them, here are some general practices you can adopt to address undiagnosed problems:
- Restart routers and modems if you’re experiencing internet connectivity issues.
- Upgrade to enterprise-grade networking hardware.
- Schedule regular software updates to prevent vulnerabilities attackers can exploit.
- Perform regular security assessments and audits to identify and fix vulnerabilities promptly.
- Enforce encryption and a robust firewall for additional security.
- Implement network segmentation protocols for more control over network traffic.
- Conduct employee training on network use and troubleshooting practices.
- Keep a detailed log of all network issues and resolutions to make troubleshooting more efficient in the long run.
Partnering with professional network management service providers can minimize the stress associated with network management, ensuring your networks are safer and more efficient.
Contact Kirbtech for Network Installation and Management Services
At Kirbtech, we offer network management and structure cabling services for businesses in Central Pennsylvania. Our full range of services includes network administration, monitoring, maintenance and provisioning. Our IT professionals also help businesses create security protocols to prevent unauthorized network access.
Our main focus is helping our clients avoid network interruptions by engineering secure and stable networks that prevent lost productivity and resources. If your business is interested in comprehensive network security and IT support, Kirbtech is here to assist. Contact us to learn more about our services, or schedule a free network assessment today.